Yuko Ootaki

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Mr. Private Eye

Anime City HunterCity Hunter
Alter. / Related Nicky Larson Nicky Larson
Detail Insert Song
Artist Yuko OotakiYuko Ootaki
In this crazy city
Many hearts have been broken like mine
Oh how He made Me cry
And it’s such a pity
How he left without saying goodbye
Oh how I miss That guy

Hey Mr. Private Eye
Oh help me with my private life
Where oh where can he be
Find that man for me
Oh hey Mr. Private Eye
I keep rememberin’ our private nights
You gotta bring back my love to me

Nobody’s seen him
I need you to discover the truth
He must Have left A clue
Find him and keep him
You can use any trick in the book
My life Depends On you

Hey Mr. Private eye
Oh help me with my private life
Why oh why can’t he see
What he means to me
Oh hey Mr. Private eye
I keep rememberin’ our private nights
You gotta bring back my love to me

Hey Mr. Private eye
Hey Mr. Private eye

Hey Mr. Private eye
Oh help me with my private life
I will double your fee
Won’t you help me please
Oh hey Mr. Private eye
I keep rememberin’ our private nights
You gotta bring back my love to me