Takeda Yuusuke (Elements Garden)

竹田 祐介
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One's Believing

Game D4DJ Groovy MixD4DJ Groovy Mix
Artist Peaky P-keyPeaky P-key
Composer Takeda Yuusuke (Elements Garden)Takeda Yuusuke (Elements Garden)
Lyricist Spirit GardenSpirit Garden
Maishin musou ten wo koeteku
Tamashii wa zutto hanaretari shinai
Itsumo yuugou shiteku
Kuyashii bun dake tachiagatta bun dake
Tsuyosa to kizuna wa kyuusoku hasshin
Powerful Peaky CUE!

Are kore kangaete monooji shichatte
Sonna koto bakkari de
Return, Return, low & hi
(Sick ache, Sick ache,)
One's own potential
(Sick ache, Sick ache, Sick ache, Sick ache,)
1, 2, 3, 4, Believing!
It's a chance!
1, 2, 3, 4, Believing!
So you check it!

1, 2, 3, 4, Believing!
Hora te wo age
Clap Clap shite
Utau yo!

P-key King!! Get up King!!
Watashi-tachi no saikou wo koete ike
Peaky King!! Hoist King!!
Zettai seishin burenai KOKORO wo ima
Kizamu'n da
Den ran Top of the world

Ayunda RIZUMU tsuranuku tame ni
Yorisoi atsumatte nando butsukatte
Tsugi no SUKIRU mo watashi-tachi rashiku
Arayuru kizu sae mikata he Shift
Powerful Peaky CUE!

One's own potential, Let it go!!
(Infinite pitch, Not blurry pitch, Infinite pitch)
1, 2, 3, 4, Believing!
1, 2, 3, 4, Believing!
So you check it!

Seiha wo nozomu nara saidaigen tanoshimou
Sore ga kanousei ni nari kakushin ni kawaru kara
Yume dake ja owaranai
Utau yo!

P-key King!! Get up King!!
Watashi-tachi no sai chou wo koete ike
Peaky King!! Hoist King!!
Dare mo ga minna omoi hitotsu ni naru
Den ran Top of the world