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Artist RyoheiRyohei
*Now who's afraid of the BIG BAD RAT
with the BIG FAT BUTT,
I'll SMACK you with my BIG FAT BAT
Make you go RAT-A-TAT, RAT-A-TAT...


What you are about to SAY
Don't say it, cause you don't mean it ANYWAY
You think you can talk me into to IT
But too bad, I'll tell you, I ain't STUPID

Baby, now listen CAREFULLY
It's all fake, it's mass-production DIGITALLY
Deceived by the sneaky WANNA BEs ARTIFICIALLY
kocchi oide

**OH-AH~ Don't bullshit us we ain't your RAT
OH-AH~ Don't try to make us COPYCATS
OH-AH~ Don't shove us it's our turn to BAT
OH-AH~ OH-AH~ Let's go and RAT-A-TAT
FEEL what's RIGHT & FEEL what's WRONG
You gotta, DEAL with what you LIKE & LEAVE what's GONE
Listen to yourself, it's there, it's telling YOU
It's there in YOU "RAT"
OH-AH~ ...

Eh! This verse is for YOU
tegirekin yori Programmed a TUNE for YOU
Bet you don't UNDERSTAND
kono BLOW mo FLOW mo Out of your HAND

Yeah, it's about time to GO
'muzukashii hito' de kukurarenai you
So set me FREE Tonight

*repeat [x2]
