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Future's near by

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Why can't the voices heal the brain?
Yume nara suteru wa douka shiteru?
I could use some peace
Akogare mo togamu koukan wo kogasu

Go go go go go!
Nowhere to go go!
No, don't know where to go!
Till know know know, will I stay so low?
Low low low low low low low!

Fight down what's real
Aiso wo furou gurai zutto
I conceal myself
PURAIDO to jouken wo through... OUT!!


What's your fixation? Kimi ni tou
Jiyou dakitai no wa common thing?
Atattenai shi kudakeyou nai'n da shi

Still want but cannot see
Kajou hannou shiteru honor kid?
Tamani fugouri wo idaki michibiku dishonesty

Okay, now
Just let me know

Tell me right now
Boku jishin ga te wo tsunaide itai'n da
Still why now?
Kuragari wo shiru... kurou wo eranderu dake

Answer me now!

Oh-Oh, Oh-Oh, Oh Oh-Oh-Oh
Oh-Oh, Oh-Oh, Oh Oh-Oh-Oh

Find new better ways receive your stream
Leave a space, abandon waste
Don't forget yourself
Zenshin wo seotta kitai suteru no wa kowai kana
Kaishaku gouin hakidasu falling by myself

Tell me what's "wrong?"
What's your fixation? Boku ni tou
Dore kurai tatte mo common thing?
Atattenai shi kudakeyou nai'n da shi

Still want, but cannot see
Kajou hannou shiteru honor kid?
Tamani fujouri hakidashite cannot steer how I feel

Dareka itta boku wa shitta
Hikari no naki jidai ga
Kanashimi ga hitotsu ni natte

Dare ni totte
Boku ni totte
Kimi ni totte
Tomaranai yo
Tomaranai yo
When tears dry...

Kurou gurai joushiki mo sonzai mo
Ai mo shoumei mo
Kodoku datte
Taigai ga byoudou de
Fubyoudou da to shuchou shite'n da
How shall I make it in this world?

"Common" "standard" "ordinary"
"Accuracy" "perfection"
"Real" "excitement" "joy" and "thrill"
I want to feel
Dakyou shinai kanousei
Souzou nante koete
Sou shitai kara

I gotta find new ways to face my world again
Jibun shidai ubatte ike'n desho
Sou muda na heikousen
Ketobashite warai chirashite
Kudaichai na yo solving the riddle

Come back
Welcome, don't fear to make mistakes
Resolve again
Egakidasu jounetsu wa koko ni aru
Future's near by