Louise Frick Sveen

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Artist Mori CalliopeMori Calliope
Composer Albin Nordqvist, Louise Frick SveenAlbin Nordqvist Louise Frick Sveen
Lyricist Mori CalliopeMori Calliope
What? Now?
Actin' like a fool to get they hopes down
Slackin' back in school Mori's a class
More reason to pass it off as crap
My glass

I'm a lucky new kid who took my shot
Self-hatred is in fashion so come get it while it's hot
Got no skill, yet I hit top shelf
Guarantee you'll never get it less than me towards my myself

Next to take a swing now?
Step into the ring, I'll let'cha
The worst that ya got, ya
First take a shot, I'm just that bad

What? Now?
Actin' like a fool to get they hopes down
Slackin' back in school Mori's a class
More reason to pass it off as crap
My glass

Stop complaining, one guy
Rollin' eyes, drop a sigh like I don't know how to clap back
Haters, traitors, you're right
Got no flow, how' m I pro? And my words have got a way to go
I'm a paragon so,
Don't perceive me
I fell off already,
Stop believing

Stop complaining, one guy
Though the music is stupid
Ya listened until now, ya know...

I'm shy...
I deserve it, I'm a punching bag
Could die
Leave ya
Hidden tracks, I'll
Haunt ya even when I go

I'm a mess and a rebel
I confess, let the kettle blow
Not impressed at my level? No
Amateur looking star, wait for me to throw

Stop complaining, one guy
Rollin' eyes, drop a sigh like I don't know how to clap back
Haters, traitors, you're right
Got no flow, how' m I pro? And my words have got a way to go
I'm a paragon so,
Don't perceive me
I fell off already,
Stop believing

Stop complaining, one guy
Though the music is stupid
Ya listened until now, ya know...

What? Now?
Actin' like a fool to get their hopes down
Slackin' while I'm cringing out your whole town
They just don't get that
Hate replays make music twice as loud

Stop complaining, one guy
Rollin' eyes, drop a sigh like I don't know how to clap back
Haters, traitors, you're right
Got no flow, how' m I pro? And my words have got a way to go
I'm a paragon so,
Don't perceive me
I fell off already,
Stop believing

Stop complaining, one guy
Though the music is stupid
Ya listened until now, ya know...