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G senjou no Aria ~lotos flower~

Artist KazamiKazami
Hear... Hear the voices from the colors?
If you are deeply in the sorrow,
They can guide you when you wish.
So, let's start believing That they are always right next to you.

Look around. What a colorful world, this world we're living in.
Are you seeing the true colors?
They can heal all of your pains.
Close your eyes, but you still have colors
in your heart That will never fade.
Open your eyes, open your heart.
And then you will see the light.

Feel... Feel the harmony of the colors?
Breathe new life into the world.
We return to the Mother Earth.
So, let's start believing After the rain comes a rainbow.

(Paint your love with rainbow.)
Lotus flowers on the silent pond.
Have seen all the changing
with the passage of time. Innocent
Lotus flowers reflected on water.
Have seen all the changing.
They have seen everything with the passage of time.
Now and forever. Lotus flower...