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Make Me Complete

Artist BoABoA
Make me complete

I know I shouldn't be saying it, but I'm needing you tonight
Trying hold back the feeling, but it isn't right
Did everything that you told me to, and I tried to fit the part
Now I'm gonna follow my heart

*In the mirror's a reflection of the brightest star
But her only imperfections are why she waits so long
To say the words you never say
Tell me now, whisper loud
Show me how, you feel the same way

**I'm a victim of your uncertain love
Afraid to show my heart and it's because of you
I'm not giving up, so don't be the one to close the door
You only have to turn the key to make me complete

To make me complete

People say that the best things always come to those who wait
I don't know if my heart can stand to beat another day
You pull me up, and I'm falling like I'm crashing to the ground
Hearts break, but they don't make a sound


I'm a victim of your uncertain love
Afraid to show my heart and it's because of you
I'm not giving up, so don't be the one to close the door
Baby, please, you make me complete

I don't wanna wait no more
Just need you now to believe
That the feeling that you're feeling is real
Ignite the night, nothing's more right
You and I, we can the light the sky
Give it everything, cause the moment's flashing by

(I'm tired of waiting
But I'm not gonna give up
All we have to do is
Turn the key and make me complete)


To make me complete

Make me complete