Ayako Nakanomori

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Hi, My "Fine"

Artist Ayako NakanomoriAyako Nakanomori
Wendy's sky, fly and smile
My childhood memory is floating day by day, today…

With a sigh, with a yawn
As always I wear my tired shoes and go finding the answer

Gloomy blue
Boring road
I stood gazing at heaven's way
Nothing is here
Believe in rebirth
Now is the time to choose the world

Goodbye my old self
Journey to the new land, everything will be all right
Look up at the sky, rain makes a rainbow
Starting over, again and again
Let me take you down, dear Yesterday
I know, I know, my "Fine" well... Tomorrow'll never end

Sleepy eyes, in the middle of a dream
Someone is calling my name from shine to slumber

Anytime, anywhere,
Your irreplaceable voice makes me feel I've a place to go back to

Step by step
Cry and climb
I am standing on the precipice
On your mark
Get, set, go
Life goes on, and so must we

I say how's going to myself
Both joy and sorrow are born from tears
I go on living
And listening to the sounds of my heart
Here we go, again and again
Drawing closer to the future every day
I feel, I feel, my "Fine" well... Tomorrow's ever bright

Tinker Bell, mischievous smile
Are you ready for your departure? Yes or No?

Goodbye my old self
Journey to the new land, everything will be all right
Look up at the sky, the day is breaking
Starting over, again and again
With all my love, dear Yesterday
I know, you know, my "Fine" well... this morning'll never end